Monday, July 18, 2011

17,000 to go in ARMY??

Tory Defence sec - Liam Fox - set to announce thousands of cuts to armed forces...

Speaking ahead of the announcement on the future of Scotland’s air bases, Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland Ann McKechin MP said:

"The resilience, spirit and energy shown by both campaigns at Leuchars and Lossiemouth over the last nine long months has been remarkable.

"From start to finish the defence review has been conducted at reckless speed with George Osborne in the driving seat, fuelled by his desire to cut faster and deeper than is safe.

"After decades of loyal service to the RAF, the local communities of Leuchars and Lossiemouth are hugely dependent on the bases and I fear the consequences will be catastrophic if either of the bases is allowed to close.

"There has been much speculation about what would happen if the bases were to close, but these plans appear to be years not months away from implementation.

"If any Scottish base is to close then we must have a clear undertaking from the UK government that these communities will be treated fairly and an immediate action plan is put in place to support people locally.

"After years of loyal service to this county it would be a gross betrayal for the Tory-led government to now abandon these proud RAF communities."

1 comment:

HotelstvEDI said...

As a resident of Colinton it's hugely important that the council decide how the barracks are to be developed in the future and where the families are to be moved to. Local services need to be able to plan for movements of people in and out.